Building automation controls

Building Automation Controls

Having the ability to remotely see how your building is performing is a huge benefit. Ensuring the tenants are comfortable, setting the building up for optimal temperatures and time schedules, monitoring critical areas, and sending alarms to designated personnel when equipment fails are just a few benefits of having a building automation system.

At Advanced Heating & Cooling we can customize a system to be as simple or elaborate as you want. Currently, we partner with many customers remotely to assist them in maintaining their building with the help of a building automation system. Many times, this saves them a service call by allowing us to make adjustments remotely.

System security is as important to us as it is to you. We can set up users and passwords at different levels to protect access. The connection to the outside world for the entire system is updated and protected with the highest level of encryption.

Let us know if you are interested in a demonstration.

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